December 20th, 2007
I have got the time to set up the entry site for my currently most active project MetamodelDoc. It is an Eclipse Plug-In for generating a documentation of a metamodel. At present this has to be an Ecore metamodel. As a sample I’ve generated a documentation of the Ecore metamodel (which is expressed in it self). If you want to give it a try just install the plugins via the Update Site. The generation is triggered from the context menu of an .ecore-file.
December 20th, 2007 |
Posted in It's me
December 18th, 2007
Do you see the difference between the following two pictures?

It was the result of the CatChaser pinning two balloons and part of one of the eight talks held at the Eclipse DemoCamp in Hamburg. A lot of interesting projects and concepts where presented. They made a video of the talks which will be available soon.
One of the intended presenters wasn’t available. They asked me to talk – as substitute – about MetamodelDoc. As I had prepared my slides for the DemoCamp in Berlin already – I agreed. The slides are – of course – available.
After the event in Hamburg the event in Berlin was a success too. There are a lot of interesting projects. One of them – ObjectTeams – I will give a try. It could be described as sophisticated and object oriented AspectJ with dynamic binding (well – ehm …, the language constructs are not the same) and it integrates very nicely into the JDT environment (by replacing the JDT-core plugin :-/). An interesting feature is – you could de-/activate an aspect (it is called Team here) during the lifetime of an object and on a per object basis.
December 18th, 2007 |
Posted in Eclipse, It's me, Nice stuff, Projects
December 16th, 2007
Cloning is so easy if you know what to do.
# xrandr -q
returns with a list of screens, the connected outputs and available modes. For me LVDS is the internal LCD display and VGA-0 the external output. Using this information
# xrandr --output VGA-0 --same-as LVDS
# xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto
is all I have to do to enable my secondary monitor output within linux. All the xorg.conf editing stuff is useless – xrandr just worked.
I wanted to enable xinerama but my XServer crashed when enabled…
December 16th, 2007 |
Posted in Nice stuff