September 30th, 2008
As of today I have finished my study of applied informatics at the FHTW Berlin (University of Applied Sciences). The last exam I had to pass was the oral presentation of my diploma thesis. After an hour with a high level of adrenalin I must say that the effort I have invested into the thesis and the presentation payed off. Thanks to all thesis readers and presentation listeners ho have not been named – I’ve got full marks for both.
During the last days I have prepared a paper about the thesis for the MDSE 2008 workshop in Berlin. After my two MetamodelDoc presentations this would be my third public talk but the first in English. I look forward to see you there.
Update: The thesis is now available for download in the Publications section.
September 30th, 2008 |
Posted in It's me, Uni
September 28th, 2008
Let’s take another one from WikiMindMap! As an example – I used it to create a map about the term “Domain-specific Language”…

WikiMindMap uses the content from a language-specific (en, de, fr, …) Wikipedia to generate a FreeMind map which is displayed online. Genius!
September 28th, 2008 |
Posted in Nice stuff
September 18th, 2008
While preparing our relocation which will take place in October I am currently tidying the shelves in my flat from outdated computer magazines. I found some loose pages from the (in the mean time abandoned) magazine “PC-Heimwerker”, issue 3-96. They contain a lot of transcribed paper mailings from users to other users – helping each other…
< < < swooooosh > > >
I am back in the year 2008 – asking my self: “Why did I have kept the pages?” … Probably because of an article about Bresenham’s line algorithm in 16-bit-assembler(!).
Using search engines, news groups, forums or mailling lists on a daily basis – life has become so easy…
September 18th, 2008 |
Posted in It's me, NoEveryThing