Be aware of NetHack Mosters!!!

NetHack Mosters are moving around the bloggosphere and catching bloggers! You have been warned!


I’ve been beaten by a NetHack Monster. From now on – I’m a Mimic.


If I were a NetHack monster, I would be a mimic. I can be whatever I think you need me to be – it might look like I’m here to help you, but really you’re here to help me.

Which NetHack Monster Are You?

One Response to “Be aware of NetHack Mosters!!!”

  1. Boris Bojic

    Hey Enrico!

    I’m a “water nymph” … that means:
    If I were a NetHack monster, I would be a water nymph. Life is more about what you get out of it, than what you put in. That elven cloak really matches your eyes, you know.

    Well, eerm … ok. ^^

    Btw, nice website 😉

    Regards, Boris

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